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Author Topic: Yum update error  (Read 29467 times)

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #15 on: 2016-08-11, 17:48:55 »
Jalankan 'sh /script/upcp -y' (dengan '-y').
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
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Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #16 on: 2016-08-12, 07:59:10 »
setelah melakukan perintah 'sh /script/upcp -y' berhasil selesai.. dan saya reboot server.. akan tetapi hasil dari 'sh /script/sysinfoo' mysql statusnya uninstalled.. apakah ada cara lain lg untuk mengatasi masalah ini..?

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #17 on: 2016-08-12, 08:15:27 »
Infokan saja 'sh /script/sysinfo; yum list installed mysql* MariaDB*'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #18 on: 2016-08-12, 08:43:33 »
Berikut hasilnya.

[root@hosting ~]# sh /script/sysinfo
A. Control Panel:               
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.b-2016081102
   - Web: hiawatha-10.3.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php54s-5.4.45-1.ius.el6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: hosting.jogloabang.or.id
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: --uninstalled--
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php54-cli-5.4.45-1.ius.el6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php52m-5.2.17-102.mr.el6
          * php53m-5.3.29-1.ius.el6
          * php54m-5.4.45-1.ius.el6
          * php55m-5.5.38-1.ius.el6
          * php56m-5.6.24-1.ius.el6
          * php70m-7.0.9-1.w6
      - Used: --PHP Branch--
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.3.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.39-3.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.11.3-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.23-2.ius.el6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_event (default)
       - Secondary PHP: on
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.7-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: --uninstalled--
     - PowerDNS: --uninstalled--
     - Yadifa: --uninstalled--
   6. Mail: --uninstalled--
      - pop3/imap4: package courier-imap-toaster is not installed
      - smtp: package qmail-toaster is not installed
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.4-1.el6.x86_64
   7. Stats: awstats
D. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:         15843       1681      14162         13        195        702
   -/+ buffers/cache:        782      15060
   Swap:        11999          0      11999
E. Disk Space:
   Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/sda3        77G   14G   60G  19% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:11.11740 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

[root@hosting ~]# yum list installed mysql* MariaDB*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, protectbase, replace, security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * mratwork-epel: fedora.dionipe.web.id
 * mratwork-ius-stable: ftp.neowiz.com
 * mratwork-release-neutral-noarch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-release-version-arch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-webtatic: sp.repo.webtatic.com
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Installed Packages
mysql.x86_64                        5.1.73-5.el6_7.1                    @updates
mysql-libs.x86_64                   5.1.73-5.el6_7.1                    @updates

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #19 on: 2016-08-12, 08:46:59 »
Coba lakukan
Code: [Select]
yum remove mysql* -y
sh /script/upcp -y

MySQL bawaan CentOS jadi 'pengganggu'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
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Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #20 on: 2016-08-12, 08:49:22 »
sebelum melakukan 'yum remove mysql* -y' yang saya tanyakan apakah database-database yang sudah ada akan ikut terhapus jg tidak? soalnya sudah banyak banget database yang da di dlamnya..

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #21 on: 2016-08-12, 09:24:07 »
sebelum melakukan 'yum remove mysql* -y' yang saya tanyakan apakah database-database yang sudah ada akan ikut terhapus jg tidak? soalnya sudah banyak banget database yang da di dlamnya..

Semestinya tidak. Karena proses 'upcp -y' sebenarnya juga melakukan proses yang sama.

Kalau mau 'aman', coba lakukan 'yum replace mysql --replace-with=MariaDB-server' terlebih dahulu sebelum 'upcp -y' tersebut.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
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Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #22 on: 2016-08-14, 13:13:52 »
maaf baru bisa replay hari ini.. barusan saya melakukan perintah terakhir diatas hasilnya tetap sama MySQL: --uninstalled-- apakah ada solusi lagi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut... oh iya saya melakukan 'yum replace mysql --replace-with=MariaDB-server' hasilnya
[root@hosting ~]# yum replace mysql --replace-with=MariaDB-server
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, protectbase, replace, security
Replacing packages takes time, please be patient...
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * mratwork-epel: mirror.smartmedia.net.id
 * mratwork-ius-stable: ftp.neowiz.com
 * mratwork-release-neutral-noarch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-release-version-arch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-webtatic: sp.repo.webtatic.com
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Error: No Package Matching MariaDB-server

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #23 on: 2016-08-14, 13:38:15 »
Kalau 'yum install MariaDB-server -y' bagaimana hasilnya?.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #24 on: 2016-08-14, 14:07:26 »
berikut hasil 'yum install MariaDB-server -y'
[root@hosting ~]# yum install MariaDB-server -y
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, priorities, protectbase, replace,
              : security
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * mratwork-epel: fedora.dionipe.web.id
 * mratwork-ius-stable: ftp.neowiz.com
 * mratwork-release-neutral-noarch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-release-version-arch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-webtatic: sp.repo.webtatic.com
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
No package MariaDB-server available.
Error: Nothing to do
sekedar info OS menggunakan OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #25 on: 2016-08-14, 15:12:11 »
Infokan 'dir -l /etc/yum.repos.d; yum list mysql* MariaDB*; sh /script/sysinfo'.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #26 on: 2016-08-14, 15:16:08 »
Berikut hasilnya...

[root@hosting lib]# dir -l /etc/yum.repos.d
total 60
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 1931 Apr 14 2014 CentOS-Base.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1991 Agu  3 2015 CentOS-Base.repo.rpmnew
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  647 Agu  3 2015 CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  289 Agu  3 2015 CentOS-fasttrack.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  630 Agu  3 2015 CentOS-Media.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 6259 Agu  3 2015 CentOS-Vault.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 8621 Agu 14 19:35 mratwork.repo
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 6597 Nov  9 2014 mratwork.repo_bak
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 9241 Agu 11 19:06 mratwork.repo.rpmsave
[root@hosting lib]# yum list mysql* MariaDB*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, priorities, protectbase, replace,
              : security
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * mratwork-epel: fedora.dionipe.web.id
 * mratwork-ius-stable: ftp.neowiz.com
 * mratwork-release-neutral-noarch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-release-version-arch: rpms.potissima.com
 * mratwork-webtatic: sp.repo.webtatic.com
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Available Packages
mysql.x86_64                      5.1.73-5.el6_7.1                       updates
[root@hosting lib]# sh /script/sysinfo
A. Control Panel:               
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.b-2016081402
   - Web: hiawatha-10.3.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
   - PHP: php54s-5.4.45-1.ius.el6 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS release 6.7 (Final) x86_64
   - Hostname: hosting.jogloabang.or.id
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: --uninstalled--
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: php54-cli-5.4.45-1.ius.el6.x86_64
        - Multiple:
          * php52m-5.2.17-102.mr.el6
          * php53m-5.3.29-1.ius.el6
          * php54m-5.4.45-1.ius.el6
          * php55m-5.5.38-1.ius.el6
          * php56m-5.6.24-1.ius.el6
          * php70m-7.0.9-1.w6
      - Used: --PHP Branch--
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: apache
     - Hiawatha: hiawatha-10.3.0-f.1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - Lighttpd: lighttpd-1.4.39-3.el6.x86_64
     - Nginx: nginx-1.11.3-1.el6.ngx.x86_64
     - Apache: httpd24u-2.4.23-2.ius.el6.x86_64
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_event (default)
       - Secondary PHP: on
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: bind
     - Bind: bind-9.9.7-1.mr.el6.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el6.x86_64
     - NSD: --uninstalled--
     - PowerDNS: --uninstalled--
     - Yadifa: --uninstalled--
   6. Mail: --uninstalled--
      - pop3/imap4: package courier-imap-toaster is not installed
      - smtp: package qmail-toaster is not installed
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.4-1.el6.x86_64
   7. Stats: awstats
D. Memory:
                total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
   Mem:         15843       1650      14193         13        171        712
   -/+ buffers/cache:        765      15077
   Swap:        11999          0      11999
E. Disk Space:
   Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
   /dev/sda3        77G   15G   59G  21% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:11.11729 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #27 on: 2016-08-14, 15:50:17 »
Aneh. Ok, beri saya akses ke ssh dan KLoxo-MR panel dari server anda. Kirim info via PM.
..:: MRatWork (Mustafa Ramadhan Projects) ::..
-- Server/Web-integrator - Web Hosting (Kloxo-MR READY!) --

Offline hafidz

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #28 on: 2016-08-14, 15:55:30 »
sudah saya kirim PM detail akunnya mas...

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Re: Yum update error
« Reply #29 on: 2020-12-15, 15:25:09 »
apakah sudah teratasi problemnya?
ini saya juga ngalamin, bahkan lebih parah
A. Control Panel:
   - Kloxo-MR: 7.0.0.c-2019070501
   - Web: --uninstalled--
   - PHP: php56s - 5.6.40-1.ius.el7 (fpm mode)
B. Plateform:
   - OS: CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core) x86_64
   - Hostname: biji.kopi
C. Services:
   1. MySQL: --uninstalled--
   2. PHP:
      - Installed:
        - Branch: --uninstalled--
        - Multiple:
          * php54m - 5.4.45-14.mr.el7
          * php55m - 5.5.38-1.ius.el7
          * php56m - 5.6.40-1.ius.el7
          * php70m - 7.0.33-1.ius.el7
          * php71m - 7.1.33-1.el7.ius
          * php72m - 7.2.26-1.el7.ius
          * php73m - 7.3.13-1.el7.ius
      - Used: php73m-fpm
      - Multiple: enable
   3. Web Used: hiawatha
     - Hiawatha: --uninstalled--
     - Lighttpd: --uninstalled--
     - Nginx: --uninstalled--
     - Apache: --uninstalled--
       - PHP Type: php-fpm_event (default)
       - Secondary PHP: on
   4. WebCache: none
     - ATS: --uninstalled--
     - Squid: --uninstalled--
     - Varnish: --uninstalled--
   5. Dns: nsd
     - Bind: bind-9.9.9-1.mr.el7.x86_64
     - DJBDns: djbdns-1.05-17.4.mr.el7.x86_64
     - NSD: nsd-4.2.4-1.el7.x86_64
     - PowerDNS: pdns-4.1.14-1.el7.x86_64
     - Yadifa: yadifa-2.3.11-1.el7.x86_64
   6. Mail: --uninstalled--
      - pop3/imap4: none
      - smtp: none
      - spam: bogofilter-1.2.3-6.el7.x86_64
   7. FTP: pure-ftpd
      - pure-ftpd: pure-ftpd-1.0.49-1.mr.el7.x86_64
   8. Stats: awstats
      - awstats: kloxomr-stats-awstats-7.7-1.mr.noarch
D. Memory:
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        8388607         284     8384602          30        3720     8388239
Swap:             0           0           0
E. Disk Space:
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/simfs       20G   11G  9.9G  51% /

*** Process Time: 00:00:00:10.10606 (dd:hh:mm:ss:xxxxxx) ***

* Note: run 'sh /script/sysinfo -y' if you want run 'fix-service-list' also
        (importance after Kloxo-MR update)


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