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Author Topic: What is American Airlines policy on delayed flights?  (Read 1258 times)

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At times, Airlines do get a delayed flight due to the end number of reasons such as weather conditions, covid 19 situation, or lack of manpower. Unlike any other airline, American airlines have its policy on a flight delayed. The below-written ways will guide you" What is American airlines policy on the delayed flight and how they can be entitled to the refund if passengers wish to have their refund back from the American Airlines. If the flight is booked, you can easily rebook yourself on another next available flight with American Airlines.

American Airlines Policy on Delayed Flight conditions on which you can avail American airlines on the delayed flight.

A passenger will be entitled to the delay compensation if they have purchased their flight ticket within 24 hours from the start of boarding of the flight.
Flight delay if your American airline's flight has arrived at your destination more than three hours after the Estimated time of arrival.
 If while traveling with American airlines your flight has been delayed, you can shift up to another flight, and there are different modes through which you can easily cancel your flight, such as through a mobile app . official or online American airlines sites.
You are entitled to the refund by simply raising a request for the same through the airline's official page.
As per American airlines policy, if your flight is delayed for more than 3 hours, you will be entitled to a refund from American airlines.
Refunds will be credited to your account which is within 7 -20 business working days, and they will be credited to your account through which mode you have made your reservation.

Talk to a real person on American Airlines

The above-written ways will guide you on what is American airlines policy on the delayed flight even the American airline's customer services are always there to assist its passengers at any given point of time, or they are just a call away.


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