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Author Topic: What happens if I cancel a non refundable flight on American Airlines?  (Read 11196 times)

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Do you want to cancel a non-refundable flight ticket with American Airlines but not sure about the refund? This guide is definitely going to help you cancel your non-refundable flight tickets with American Airlines and even get a refund for your flight ticket.

If you want to cancel your non-refundable flight ticket with American Airlines then you can surely do that in a hassle free way through the American Airlines official website or by contacting the customer care service of American Airlines. If you want to cancel a non refundable flight on American Airlines, and claim a refund for that then you can do it in some specific conditions.

What happens if I cancel a non refundable flight on American Airlines?

If you wish to cancel a non refundable flight ticket and want to claim a refund for it then do it within 24 hours of the purchase because American Airlines gives a full refund on cancellation done within 24 hours of the purchase.

You can also cancel a non refundable flight on American Airlines in case of any emergency. If there is a genuine reason or emergency behind the cancellation of your American Airlines flight, then the airline will give you a refund for the cancelled flight after the deduction of cancellation charges. But you need to provide some supporting documents for your reason.

You can also get a refund for your non refundable flight ticket if the airline cancels the flight or the flight is delayed by 4 hours or more.


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