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Author Topic: How to reset Facebook password with phone number  (Read 5224 times)

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How to reset Facebook password with phone number
« on: 2021-04-29, 09:34:07 »
Facebook is one of the oldest and widely used social media platforms. They have more than a million active users that visit Facebook every day. They provide immense support to the business as well as help people to easily connect with them.

Though in many cases person shared vital information over it and it leads the user to take care of the security too. The basic method is to set a strong password, but many people are not aware of the steps to reset it. We have covered how to reset Facebook password with phone number below and that too with the easy steps.

Steps To Reset Facebook Password With Phone Number

There are some easy steps that you can direct online and within an application:

1. First of all, open a browser and search for the Facebook
2. Open the login page and go to the sign-in option
3. Here you have to provide the information, like Facebook Id, but as you are reset the password with the phone number you have to avoid the password column
4. Now, you can scroll down, you can see the option for forgetting the password
5. Click on the forget password and go to the options through which you can edit the password
6. Though there will be a different option, click on the next until you see the reset password with phone number
7. Here you can see a few digits of the contact number associate with the account. You can click on it and you will get the code on the register number
8. You have to mention the code on the provided space and click on the verify it is me
9. Now, you can move to the password reset option and set a new and strong password
Now, you can see how easy it is to reset Facebook password with phone number. If you do not have any number or you have lost it, then you can go with the other options too. But, if you find it difficult, then you can easily move to the customer service team.


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