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Author Topic: How long is it taking to get a refund from Aer Lingus?  (Read 6809 times)

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Have you booked your flight with Aer Lingus and for some reason needed to cancel it? If you are wondering “ How long is it taking to get a refund from Aer Lingus?” so for your information, If you have booked your flight with Aer Lingus and are wondering about your refund for your flight tickets, then you must know the fact that it will take 7 business days to get a refund for your Aer Lingus flights and you will automatically get informed about your refund through the Email or text message that you have registered.

Aer Lingus provides refunds to the passengers under some eligibility, if you are eligible for such refunds then only you can get the refund for your flights. Following are some points that you must consider while requesting a refund:

If you have cancelled your flight due to the death of a family member and are expecting a refund then you have to provide the copy of the death certificate to the airlines then you will get the full refund in the original form of payment.

If your flight has been cancelled due to the schedule change, you can inform the Airlines immediately and can book another flight or if fail, you will get the full refund for your tickets.

In case if you booked any duplicate flight or by mistake, you can immediately inform the Airlines and get your flight refund.

For many other details regarding the flight refunds or how do I speak to someone at Aer Lingus?, you can also speak to someone at Aer Lingus through the Aer Lingus service centre and can clear all your queries regarding the cancellation and refund procedures. You can get the Aer Lingus customer care service toll-free number on the official website and can directly talk to one of the representatives of the Airlines without any hassles.


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