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Author Topic: How do I get a human at Lufthansa?  (Read 734 times)

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Offline johnwatson9650

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How do I get a human at Lufthansa?
« on: 2022-09-28, 14:05:55 »
People travel through different airlines according to their needs and convenience. Lufthansa is one of the best airlines in the world. It provides the best possible services to its customers so that they should not face any inconvenience while traveling to the respective airlines. People can face any issue while traveling, so Lufthansa takes care of their passengers with the best customer service. When any person faces the issue, they realize how do I get a human at Lufthansa? And they try to connect with the respective airlines in various ways so that they would be able to resolve the query raised by them, so there are various ways to connect with customer support of Lufthansa.

Different ways to get someone at Lufthansa

Via phone call – A person can get connected to the customer service of the respective airlines via phone call, for which they must have a Lufthansa phone number provided on the airline's official website. They will be connected through the IVR process by calling the provided contact number.

Press 1 for language selection

Press 2 for arrival and departure of the flight

Press 3 for booking and cancellation of the flight tickets

Press 4 to talk to our customer support executive

Press # to disconnect the call

Via email – Email is one of the most official ways to raise any query regarding any issue a passenger is facing. They must provide all the required information in the email and the query rose in a few words. All the emails are looked at within 24 hours of the query being raised, and they resolve the issue within seven working days.

Via chat-box – A passenger will find the chat-box on the right corner of the official website of the respective airlines, where they can raise their query directly with the chat assistance and provide any available executive, and which will resolve instantly with the best possible outcome.


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