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Author Topic: How do I get in touch with Outlook?  (Read 1304 times)

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How do I get in touch with Outlook?
« on: 2021-09-07, 11:53:20 »
Indeed, the services offered by Outlook are the finest, but there are times when users might face some technical glitches with the account. So, in such situations, the users can try to contact the support representative and resolve their Outlook account issues in time.

What are the ways of contacting Outlook support?

For the users who have failed to fix Outlook account issues even after multiple attempts and finding information, how do I get in touch with Outlook? Here are the contact options that one can opt to reach out to a support representative and fix their Outlook account issues in time.

a) Email assistance

The user can seek help from the customer service at Outlook by sending an email. Further, to send an email, the user needs to follow the instructions shared below:

Visit the official support page of Outlook and open the contact page.
Here, the user can opt for the contact via email option.
Further, the user can enter the information regarding the issue they are facing with the Outlook account.
If required, the user can even include an attachment with the mail.
After that, the user can submit the request and seek resolutions within few days.

2) Phone call support

Alternatively, the user can contact Outlook support representative by dialing the Outlook customer service number and following the instructions shared below:

After dialing the customer service number, the user can get in touch with the live person.
Further, the user can explain their concerns regarding the Outlook services.
Then, depending on the information shared, the representative will offer solutions.

If the above options fail to work, the user can join the community forums or fill up the online feedback form to resolve their Outlook queries in time.


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