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Author Topic: How Do I Change My Flight Date On Asiana Airlines?  (Read 1870 times)

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Offline AirTravelGuide

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Asiana Airlines is a passenger carrier of South Korea that is headquartered in Seoul. They are covering more than ninety destinations and let the passengers book in different classes. They are offering the best service and real-time aid to the customer that makes this Airlines more customer friendly.

Though, in many cases, a person needs to change the plan. It means they have to changes the flight schedule. If you are in the same condition and looking for How do I change my flight on Asiana Airlines then you can easily do this. We have covered further that how you can do this.

Steps To Change Flight Date On Asiana Airlines

There are some steps that you have to follow online. And you can do this in every type of gadget, like desktop or mobile.

1. First of all, go to the official website of the Asiana Airlines
2. Next click on the Manage Trips option. It will present on the top of the page and you can see it the horizontal bar of the page
3. Further, for Manage trips, the person has to provide the details, like PNR or credit card number
4. When you log in, then select the option of change the flight date, here you are directly rescheduling it
5. Here you have to choose the booking which you want to reschedule, and now you might have to again provide the information for making changes
6. Next, select the booking, and see the available flights on that particular date
7. Select the flight and if there is any fare difference, then you have to pay it. Or in case of the lower prices, then you can expect some refunds from the airlines
8. Further, you will receive the update or new flight ticket on the registered email
In this way, you must get the answer of How do I change my flight date on Asiana Airlines. You can do this offline too, all you need to contact the support person. Here you have to provide the details and might have to bear the rescheduling charges that are different from the fare difference.


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