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Author Topic: How can one fix Google can't verify my account issue?  (Read 1766 times)

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Google account is an essential account for the users who access Google or other online services regularly. And with this ensuring the security of the Google account becomes is essential to avoid hacking issues.

However, lately, many users have enquired why Google can't verify my account issue. Luckily, this issue is quite common among users and can get fixed by using some of the solutions shared in this article.

Solutions to fix verification issues with Google account

The users who have failed to verify their Google account can opt for these solutions to access the Google account services without any interruption.

a) Reset the network settings

One of the major reasons behind failed account verification is poor internet connectivity. So, in such situations, the user can try to reset the network settings.

b) Requesting code

The users who have failed to confirm the prompt for their Google account can follow the steps shared below to verify their account.

Open the Sign-in page of Google and provide the username and password.
After that, click on more ways to verify the Google account option.
Further, the user will get a code that they can use to verify the account using the instructions shared on the screen.

Thus, these are the few solutions that the user can try to fix their verification issues with the Google account. Still, if the user has queries, they can reach out to Google support for assistance to fix verification-related problems in time without any worries.



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