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Author Topic: How can I speak to someone about my Hotmail account?  (Read 2084 times)

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Offline johnssmith9650

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Though there is no chance of seeing an issue while using a Hotmail account, all the problems can be fixed by doing a few simple steps. Just in case, you see a glitch while using your account, you can contact customer service. The technical support team members are there to assist you thoroughly.

Moreover, if you wonder how to contact a Hotmail customer service live person, you should not miss this post to read. Here you will get all information to contact the customer service team. Read along!

Different Methods to Connect with a Live Person at Hotmail

  • You can make a phone call anytime from anywhere when you need technical assistance from an expert. The support team members have experience of many years and provide you all the solution to your problems without any delay.
  • Also, you have an option to request a live chat. Once you initiate a live chat, the support team assigns you a representative who will help you thoroughly to rectify the issue that makes it troublesome for you to use your Hotmail account.
  • Aside from this, you can send emails to get help from technical experts. The skilled and experienced customer service team is there to provide you all kinds of information via email. Even if it is required, you may receive a phone call from the customer service team.

In a nutshell, you can choose any method to get help from Hotmail customer service but when you need instant help, you should contact the Hotmail customer service live person over a phone call. This is the swiftest way to get help from the customer service team representative and accessible 24*7.


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